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River Place Rentals - Apartment finder and Condos / Coop Units in Arlington, VA, Just walking distance from Washington, D.C. and only 1 1/2 blocks from the Rosslyn Metro |
Apartments / Condos / Coops conveniently locate near Washington, D.C. Apartment Finder |
STUDIO & 1 Bedroom APARTMENTS for RENT and for SALE !
Owners & Landlords - Do you want to advertise your available units on this site? Email us at RiverPlaceRentals@hotmail.com for details and information
Actual view of the Washington Monument, Kennedy Center, and Jefferson Memorial from one of our apartments
Apartment finder at River Place - A great place to live near Washington, D.C. and Northern Virginia.Located in Rosslyn, Virginia next to the Potomac River and Key Bridge.Just a short walk 1
1/2 blocks to the Rosslyn Metro, many people who live at River Place don't
even need a car!
for more Aparmtent finder information or apartment
availability or email us at:
River Place is located at 1111 Arlington Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22209, USA. Here are some maps detailing the convenient location of River Place, starting with a close view, and progressively zooming out to get an idea of it's proximity to the heart of Washington, D.C. (the red star marks River Place):
Click Here to see an interactive MapQuest Map of the area
Click Here to See Large Maps of the area
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